Mykonos Rocks

Mykonos is no stranger to eclectic characters. Whilst in Athens, ahead of my first trip to the island, I overheard a very colourful lady in line for a taxi describe Mykonos best by saying, “Mykonos Rocks”. It sure does, but since my first visit to Mykonos in 1999 a lot has changed.

If you’re searching for the pelicans that are depicted in so many postcards you’ve seen on friend’s fridge over the years, well, they have long gone or are hiding from the throngs of people and the commotion of ‘New Mykonos’, the party island. What stands here now are more bars, more restaurants, high end boutiques, and, yes, more tourists.

What hasn’t changed though is Mykonos’ undeniable allure. It’s always had the DNA of a party island and unlike some whose shine has faded, it seems year after year the white buildings that make the island’s architecture so alluring, get yet another polish and invite more people to participate in the long nights (which only really begin well after midnight if not 1-2am)

If being constantly entertained and stimulated or searching for the ellusive pelicans isn’t why you’ve visited Mykonos that’s ok. In the years since I first visited, the island has also become home to some of the most luxurious hotels & resorts in all of Greece, if not the world. If it’s a sanctuary of calm and sun you desire, this is abundantly available.

For two of Mykonos’ newest hotels read the next blog


Venice: Simply more seductive


Myconian Jewels